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I had a bit of a realization today and I am not exactly sure what my next step should be.

I make a pretty decent living for what I do.  I work hard and provide value to my employer.  It is no secret that I have been looking to expand my professional experience within this or another company, though finding a new career has proven to be much more difficult than I could imagine.

After a recent interview, which I thought went really well (and was told, ‘thank you but not a good fit’) I had a conclusion.  I am really good at what I do and have been paid accordingly for it. Though to go somewhere else and ask for the same salary the employers are looking with someone with more experience driving businesses.  I have worked more hands-on and have not been looked to for big-picture ideas and scope.   I can have all the ideas and passion in the world, but without the experience, it seems no one is going to take a chance on me.  And why should they, there are another 105 people applying for the same position.

So now my next question for myself is, what is your next step to move toward a better career path (a personal target condition)?


It’s Earth Day which has grown into Earth Week.  Hopefully by the time my kids are my age it will be Earth Month or even Earth Year! I mean it needs to be part of our everyday lives.Earth Picture

So for Earth Day I have a list of 25 ways to help keep this beautiful blue ball stay that way.

  1. Recycle all the paper, plastic, glass and metal products you can.
  2. Always put garbage in its proper place–garbage can or recycling bin.
  3. Write or draw on both sides of a piece of paper before recycling it.
  4. Print sheets of paper from your computer only if you really need them.
  5. Use sponges, rags and cloth napkins instead of paper products.
  6. Carry your lunch in a reusable box or bag.
  7. Bike, walk or ride the bus instead of taking the car. Plus its cheaper than the gym.
  8. Check to see that your car’s tires are properly inflated.  I hear nitrogen assists with gas mileage as well.
  9. If the car you are in is going to be stopped for more than a minute ask the driver to turn it off.  Probably not at stoplights though.
  10. Replace burnt-out bulbs at home with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. I hear these may contain mercury, any truth to that? Can they be recycled?
  11. Turn off the lights, computer, radio, stereo and TV when you leave a room.
  12. Sit near a window when you read instead of turning on a light
  13. Set the thermostat a little lower in the winter and a little higher in the summer.
  14. Wash clothes in cold water and hang them out to dry.
  15. Don’t turn the dishwasher on until it is full.
  16. Take short showers to save energy and water.
  17. Turn off the faucet while you brush your teeth.
  18. Put leftover food in reusable containers, not in plastic wrap or foil.
  19. Wash and reuse glass jars, plastic containers and plastic utensils.
  20. When shopping, look for items made out of recycled materials.
  21. Bring your own reusable bags when shopping.
  22. Mend and repair clothes and toys rather than buying new ones.
  23. Create a compost pile of food scraps and plant cuttings
  24. Buy food at local farmers’ markets.
  25. Volunteer for community events, such as a cleanup day at the park.

How many of these do you follow regularly?

Any you disagree with?

Happy Earth Day and remember to take care of our home!