You are currently browsing the monthly archive for October 2015.

I don’t recall where I saw this, which will become apparent in a minute, though I was either on twitter or an email where a company who said, get our free logo stickers.  The where cartoonish shark stickers, so why not.

rocket shark

I ordered them and had them shipped to work.  A few weeks, maybe a month or more later I receive an envelope at work.  I open the envelope and it contains three shark stickers.  Hey, one was sporting rockets!  Anyway, that is all that was in the package, no other information.  The envelope only contained references to the logistics company who shipped the stickers.

I now have this company’s stickers though I have no idea who they are, what their name is, or what they do.  Seems like quite a waste of a promotion.

It is important to be careful who use for logistics and ensure that you are representing yourself correctly.  As if you don’t the people you are contacting may have no idea who you are.

It’s been two weeks of no carbs.  What an interesting ride.  I am not going to lie, there are a lot of foods I do miss.  First of all, bee r–Liquid bread as I have heard it called, and the second tacos! My first craving, popcorn.  At the mall with my son and he wanted some of that gourmet popcorn stuff.  Damn it smelled so good.  I didn’t have any though.

I made hamburgers for the family.  Though I thoroughly enjoyed the hamburger patty, cheese, etc.  I missed that burger setting inside a soft bun with mayonnaise, etc. nom. I am still good though, I am not close to giving this up.

So what is it that I am not giving up on?  It’s a ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that in medicine is used primarily to treat difficult-to-control (refractory) epilepsy in children (1).  Do I have epilepsy, no, but this is a life choice that I am making to be healthier and hopefully be able to maintain my weight better.  The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates (glucose).  The body does this naturally by a process known as ketosis.

Ketosis is a state where the body gets it energy from ketones instead of glucose. Ketones are created from fats and glucose is provided by sugars and carbohydrates.  There is a lot of information about a ketogenic diet, my main source is the keto sub reddit.  I highly recommend you start with the FAQ.

So why did I chose this? There were two main reasons.  The first is that I know someone who has been following the diet for six months and has done quite well on it. Not only has there been weight loss, but a great up-tick in available energy.  The second is that my doctor had instructed me to cut out all bakery goods.  I had slight high cholesterol and blood pressure and he mentioned that glucose created by the breads, etc. can increase cholesterol in the body.  This information and all that I have read about a low carb, high fat diet prove to me that this is worth doing.  Plus, since I am not a sweets person, eating meat, leafy vegetables, and fats are all the things I really enjoy eating.  This is what has made this new way of eating so easy for me.

So, how are the results, well, flat. Though this is somewhat expected, especially since I lost a weekend on two weeks into this.  It was a company outing and there was much whiskey involved.  🙂

Over the first week I lost 8 pounds (I suspect water weight) and a noticeable slimming in my face.  I have stayed pretty stable at this weight the rest of the time.  Even after that weekend, I returned to that weight the next day.

I started this with the thought of how I felt in one month.  If things are going well I will continue, if not I will reanalyze things.

How have these last few weeks gone? Besides being a bit tired (which is more that a lack of sleep than anything else) this Keto Flu everyone talks about has not bothered me.  I get the occasional headache, but that is about it.  Perhaps my reading and keeping electrolytes up is keeping it away.  Of course I am also worried I am doing it all wrong and not achieving Ketosis at all!  Since Keto flies in the face of what doctors have told us to do since the 60’s there is always the worry, if you do this wrong you will mess yourself up. The science doesn’t lie, I will be fine.