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This has driven me crazy for weeks, I just haven’t been able to access web_dav I setup at

I found a perfect article on how to do it at Geek Boy’s Blog.  It’s so simple,…

Make sure you add the port number to the url you provide for the network place.


Once I did that, I connected instantly.  No more need for third party apps, I can just access it. 🙂

The goal of this document is to walk through the installation of a MoinMoin wiki without getting bogged down in any details.  We’ll go through requirements, decisions, and steps to complete, that’s all.  (OK, I did end up indicating what directories are added; I can’t stand when stuff is added I don’t know about.)   I will follow up this post with the details for those who are interested. Once you have completed the steps herein you will have a working MoinMoin wiki on your shared hosting account.  By no way is this the only way to set up MoinMoin on an account, or even the best way, but I tested it and it will work.  Lets get to it!


  • Dreamhost shared hosting account.
  • A domain setup as fully hosted
  • Shell and FTP access to the domain account


  • Dreamhost running python version 2.4
  • MoinMoin version 1.8.5
  • Understanding of editing files from Linux shell
  • acctname is the accout name you used to access your domain account through ssh and FTPS.
  • ~/ = $HOME = /home/acctname/


  • URL to run wiki from (we use sub directory) [We will use: http://hosteddomain/wiki]
  • Private name for the wiki’s instance name [We will use: dhwiki]


  1. Download MoinMoin wiki tarball from (moin-1.8.5.tar.gz) to your local workstation.
  2. From FTP: upload file to Dreamhost into folder ~/files [/home/acctname/files]
    ** All commands from now on are from your shell access **
  3. cd ~/files
  4. tar -xvzf ~/files/moin-1.8.5.tar.gz [new directory is created: ~/files/moin-1.8.5
  5. cd ~/files/moin-1.8.5
  6. python --quiet install --prefix=$HOME --record=install.log

    [two directories created: ~/share/moin; ~/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin]

  7. Setup environment variables
    1. export PREFIX=$HOME
    2. export SHARE=$PREFIX/share/moin
    3. export WIKILOC=$SHARE
    4. export INSTANCE=dhwiki
  8. cd $WIKILOC
  9. mkdir $INSTANCE
  10. cp -R $SHARE/data $INSTANCE
  11. cp -R $SHARE/underlay $INSTANCE
  12. cp $SHARE/config/ $INSTANCE
  13. chmod -R o+rwX $INSTANCE
  14. Edit file $INSTANCE/
    Find and change the follwing lines:

    1. sitename = u’Your Wiki Title
    2. logo_string = u'<img src=”/wiki/common/moinmoin.png” alt=”MoinMoin Logo”>’
    3. Remove hash (#) in front of: page_front_page = u”FrontPage”
    4. data_dir = ‘/home/acctname/share/moin/dhwiki/data/’
    5. data_underlay_dir = ‘/home/acctname/share/moin/dhwiki/underlay/’
    6. url_prefix_static = ‘/wiki’   [(remove # from line)]
    7. mail_smarhost = “dreamhost smtp server
  15. cd ~/hosteddomain
  16. cp -R $SHARE/htdocs wiki
  17. chmod -R a+rX wiki
  18. cd wiki
  19. mkdir ./cgi-bin
  20. cp $SHARE/server/moin.cgi ./cgi-bin
  21. chmod -R a+rx ./cgi-bin
  22. cd ./cgi-bin
  23. Edit file moin.cgi
    Find and change the following lines.  Please remove the # if they exist on THESE lines:

    1. sys.path.insert(0, ‘home/acctname/lib/python2.4/site-packages’)
    2. sys.path.insert(0, ‘/home/acctname/share/moin/dhwiki)
  24. cd ..
  25. Edit file index.html
    Find and change the following lines:

    1. <meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”0; URL=cgi-bin/moin.cgi/”>
    2. Click <a href=”cgi-bin/moin.cgi”>here</a> to get to the FrontPage
  26. Go to your favorite browser and enter your wiki’s domain: Http://hosteddomain/wiki

Use these instructions at your own risk.  I extend no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy or safety of your data or website.

These instructions where tested by building the following wiki:

All comments are welcome

References Used

Revision Information

  • 11/21/2009
    • Initial post after successfully building a wiki following exact steps
Is this a negotiation, or are you just not interested? I am spending about 40k a month right now on consultants, so I have plenty of money to spend. Culture, to me it’s directly impacted by budget and resources. At the time that we spoke my budget isn’t nearly as high as it is right now. If you are talking about working evenings you do that already.
11/20/2009 8:11:16 PM [email protected] (E-mail address not verified) Brettski *red+u When we first spoke, I was under the impression you no longer available after 6:00. You underpromised, so you could over deliver. I found out later that you were one of the hardest working guys that I know.
11/20/2009 8:13:30 PM [email protected] (E-mail address not verified) Brettski *red+u Maybe you don’t want to work that hard which is why it became an issue for you when I was pressing it. When I interview people, I always try and understand where their comfort levels are so I understand their boundries. The way I saw it is you wanted to have dinner with your family and got back on the computer later. Here is what I would ask for you to do.
11/20/2009 8:15:12 PM [email protected] (E-mail address not verified) Brettski *red+u Look at your last month, and figure how many hours you really worked. Was it 40-50? 50-55? or +55 hours per week? I am interested in knowing because I am guessing your somewhere between 50-55.
11/20/2009 8:18:46 PM [email protected] (E-mail address not verified) Brettski *red+u When we were in our discussions, you were giving me the perception that it could cause a problem for you at home if you were hoing to have to put in over 45 hours. What I really think is if you could make $110,000 in a 50 hour work week, or you could make $150,000 in a 60 hour work week I think you would probibly work 60. And then figure how you could get it down to 55… and then 52…
11/20/2009 8:21:25 PM [email protected] (E-mail address not verified) Brettski *red+u And at the same time you were doing that, you would get me from 65 to 58, and 58 to 52, and so on. So at the end of the day, it really comes down to how much my time is worth as well as your time. Which is something you might not be taking into consiteration when you limit your opportunities and not discussing this further.
11/20/2009 8:23:43 PM [email protected] (E-mail address not verified) Brettski *red+u Currently, I have 3 consultants I am paying 170,000 and they are not as smart as you are. They are down the street and you were down the block. At a certain point, I am sure you can understand that I can only afford to spend so much time in IT. I am ready to discuss dollars if you are. I am willing to discuss the boundries, or we can not discuss it at all.
11/20/2009 8:24:56 PM [email protected] (E-mail address not verified) Brettski *red+u Hopefully you at least know where I am comming from. Bottom line, I am sitting here writing big checks saying to myself. Would I be writing checks this big and having to invest the time if Brett were here?
11/20/2009 8:27:22 PM [email protected] (E-mail address not verified) Brettski *red+u I don’t mind writing the checks, what I mind is when I have ot write the checks and still put in the time. You asked me what my commitment to you would be. If we were to do something, I told you I would give you a year of 60 hours a week of helping you acclimate yourself to our company. Thats a big investment of my time. I apprechiated the question because no one had ever asked me before.
11/20/2009 8:29:59 PM [email protected] (E-mail address not verified) Brettski *red+u So here is what you have to ask yourself… Do I want to pass on the biggest financial opportunity of my life without going to see this man? The question I would ask you, is why would you want to limit your opportunities?
11/20/2009 8:34:35 PM [email protected] (E-mail address not verified) Brettski *red+u The only thing I can think of is that you would be affraid of the industry, maybe that you were getting dragged into the deep end of the pool, giving up a job that I like that I am currently doing. Also, I did hire a senior level programmer for more money than you were asking for when you were interviewing and I am willing to pay him. Because I see how much value he brings me.
11/20/2009 8:35:27 PM [email protected] (E-mail address not verified) Brettski *red+u I guess the question I would ask you is would you be willing to work with a programmer that makes more money that you did if he had the tallent?
11/20/2009 8:38:26 PM [email protected] (E-mail address not verified) Brettski *red+u We have an aggressive agenda, I am looking to bring in top guys to make my life easier. I think you would be a good fit. Tallent costs money, I realize that. Something to consider, the banks are looking to change the comp plans for the Loan Officers and cut what they pay the Loan Officers by 50% of what they pay now. They are doing this as a result of the pressure they are getting from the gov
11/20/2009 8:39:50 PM [email protected] (E-mail address not verified) Brettski *red+u The insurance companies that own mortgage companies are following suit. Which means that we have hundreds of people who are looking at our company as a result of massive pay cuts across the industry, which we are not participating in doing.
11/20/2009 8:41:18 PM [email protected] (E-mail address not verified) Brettski *red+u I know you have been looking for that 1 opportunity that you could capitalize on. Maybe this is it? Is it really that far from the relm of possibility?

This is truly an exciting day for me.  The buzz around Microsoft’s latest OS reminds me of the release of Windows 95.  Back then it was the new platform, moving away from the DOS/Windows separate systems and memory issues.  It was a fun time.

Now,  many of us have used Windows XP for eight years or so, not liking the newer, problematic OS’s which have been released.  I have used Windows 7, and I like it and I know it will be the OS that corporations replace their aging Windows XP machines with.  It’s always a good feeling when things are moving forward in a positive direction

Happy Windows 7 Day!!

It feels a bit strange seeing the one plus terabyte drives roll out to the market.  It reminds me a lot of when the one plus gigabyte drives came out.  It all really seems the same: sizes, pricing, amazement.

I look at some drives sitting around my desk; removed some time ago do the the plowing of a machine (I prefer a new hdd over erasing a current one).  I look at a drive, 80GB hmm, that seems small.  Really, did I just think that–yes I did.  Simply because the 500GB drive I have installed now has plenty of space on it.  This is no different than when it was 80MB drive and I had that first 720 MB drive in my main machine.  This all really has the same smell.

Funny, even though I balked at that 80GB drive, I plugged it in to load up my Windows 7 beta.  You know what, there was more than enough room for Win7, VS2010, Office 2007, etc.

What are we doing with all this extra space we have on these drives?

I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard this today on DNR show number 458 (great show by the way).  Scott Hanselman was explaining how he mutli-boots his machine not using partitions but VHD (Virtual Hard Disk) files.  There is a way in Window 7 to point your boot loader to, and run from a VHD file.  The OS DOES NOT run in a VM, it is running on bare metal!  The only down side is a slight reduction in disk I/O, but hell, what a traid-off!

My first question is that VHD transferable to a VM?  Sure all the hardware would change but would it work?  I’d really not like to go the other way, that seems even messier to me.

Ah hell what does it matter, I can boot OS’s from a file!, save them easily and move them around.  What a great/easy way to checkout new software.  Seeing that I am just getting into vs2008 and vs2010 beta 1 is out and I want to check it out.  This way I can with out plowing my machine or messing up my current build.

I know I am going to try this one out on my new Windows 7 RC1 installation.  I will write it up here while I am doing it.

Here is an artical from Keith Combs and another from TechNet Edge

There has been a lot of positive buzz about Windows 7; a lot of stuff that has me excited about it.  As a user of Windows XP, I want to move on.  Vista is ‘nice’ but didn’t really deliver anything extra for me.  Sure some nice eye candy, and perhaps nicer plug and pray, but what a pig.  It’s just a system hog, and I wasn’t ready to update any computers yet.

With the release of Windows 7 on October 22nd. 2009 I will be purchasing a new laptop with windows 7, and will probably get a version for my main desktop machine.  Though it’s only an AMD 4000, I don’t think I will have any trouble running Windows 7.  It’s that machine I am installing on today so I will be able to compare performance from the same system running Windows XP and Windows 7.

I received a product key, downloaded the iso and burned a new DVD.  For the system I grabbed an old 80GB hdd I am not using any longer and put it as the sole drive.

Never really using Vista myself (of course I have seen it and helped others with it) I don’t know it intimately.  This is going to create a bit of a learning curve here.  The installation moved along pretty smoothly; couple reboots, nothing special–then it happened.

Black screen.  I had a black screen with nothing more then version informaion at the lower right hand corner:

Evaluation copy. Build 7100.

I was still able to move the mouse pointer around the screen, but couldn’t do anything else.  I tried restarting, removing unneeded stuff, reloading.  Nothing was fixing it.  Time to hit the web.  It didn’t take too long to find, ten-fifteen minutes, I ran into this website,, and they had a thread on this very issue.  It is definitely a monitor/video issue, though some of the resolutions where slightly different.

For me, it was having two monitors connected while loading.  Once I disconnected the second monitor from my system, Windows 7 was able to finish it’s “first time boot” and setup the environment.         Wow there is a lot of eye candy here!

I am running around setting stuff up, checking things out.  (cool wallpaper schems).  Let’s set up taskmgr to launch on start up.

Hey, why can’t I add a new shortcut on a right-click?  That’s a pain, what am I missing?

I created the shortcut to taskmgr on the desktop and copied it to the startup folder.  When I did that I was prompted for Admin rights to do that.  That is interesting, not sure if like that. I guess I need to take some time to look into security.  Specially since that was the single reason so many people hated Vista, it locked up so many areas breaking shit.  Whatever, as long as they haven’t totally abstracted everything away, there will be a solution.

Since I am trying out a new OS, I might as well load up a beta IDE too.  So I am now in the middle of loading up VS2010.  I have no idea if I will have any time to work with it, but I hope I make the time.

Windows 7 changing the wallpaper automagically is weird.  I dig it though.

Interesting, SQL 2008 (bundled with VS2010 beta) must be at SP1 or higher to work with Winows7.  I am glad it let me know while loading it.

Everytime I reboot and see that long-lived black screen, I get nervous that the system will lock again.

At this point, I will have to say that Winows 7 is running as well as a new installation of winows XP does.  It boots as fast plus launches and runs apps as fast.  Can’t wait until I get more stuff loaded.

For months and months now I have asked myself, “Self, what language next, Ruby, Python, something else?” and has driven me crazy.  Someday I will ask myself why I spent so much time thinking about it instead of just digging in to something.  Well the real truth to that is time.  Sure I have spent time on the Ruby site going through browser-enabled 15 minute intro and some general reading.  It never really sticks until you throw together a couple of apps.

Over the last eight months I have been on a big web front end kick, getting myself up to speed on web display stuff like CSS, JavaScript, and jquery.  It’s been a lot of fun, but I really am not a good page designer, so besides reproducting current layouts there wasn’t a real lot for me to do.  

And there is always ASP.NET MVC which I have been following and learning off and on since August of 2008.  Having the web skills when putting together some learning MVC sites was really useful.  Don’t worry, I wont go on another, “I love MVC…”, rant.

Saturday morning I was in our local library with my two sons picking out movies reading some books, messing around and found myself at the card catalog computer screen.  Hey do you remember actual card catalogs, the rows and rows of drawers which contained cards of all the books in the library.  Here is one area computers help one-billion percent.  Anyway, I did my usual search for ASP.NET, came up with the same books as usual.  A 2008 book I had already checked out (and didn’t like too much) during my web learning, and some older stuff.  Oh hum I thought….

Than I had an idea and started typing

ruby programming

A match, wow a match and a recent book too.  I was was feeling a bit excited.  Okay, let’s try another

python programming

Ah, nothing on that one.  Well that settles it—right, wrong or indifferent, I will start with Ruby.  Well, I have always been leaning this way anyhow.  The exposure I have had, I have liked, now to come up with an app to put together.  Then of course if I get my arms around the language I will have to move on to Rails, and Iron Ruby (Uses .NET’s DLR).

After searching and searching for a new web host who can provide me with Windows 2008 server and decent number of MS SQL databases without breaking the bank (>$20 / mo.), I finally found one to sign up with and try out.  That company is Planet Small Business hosting, wish me luck!

First thing to run into, is that it seems account setup is a manual (human-driven) process.  I couldn’t pay and keep going with the setup.  Just for the record, I finished my payment by 1600 on Friday, May 1, 2009.

OK, Site was available in about 20 minutes, that is acceptable.  Well as long as it’s automated and I can set up stuff at 2am.

45 minutes into this setup, and no email from them about the site.  I do have access to it though.  What are their DNS addresses, I can’t find them anywhere.

I sent a ticket into tech support asking about DNS server address and email, and they replied in 10 minutes.  I sent this at 1805 and received it at 0614, that’s good response(!).  Once DNS propagates, I should be good to go.  With n0t getting the email, I wonder if Yahoo! has blacklisted them; it happens.
Well not in this case, the emails where in my junk folder, not sure how I missed them the first time. Oh well, one of these days I will learn how to use an email client.

The host uses a new version of Plesk.  Pretty easy finding things, speed is tolerable.  Now it’s just taking the time to configure the server and how they run things.  So far it’s looking OK.

Hey cool!  I have been a little bummed over the fact that PlanetSMB only allows one domain (unlimited aliases).  I was wondering how I was going to host all of my domains.  I wasn’t really interested in purchasing separate packages, as it would be a pain flipping between them.  Well I discovered it just now, their reseller plans support multiple domains, and at a fair price, and still with UNLIMITED MS SQL databases.  Pretty sweet if you ask me.

But before I get too excited here, I need to get my applications loaded up on the site and see how the run.

I have loaded up two of my ASP.NET MVC applications and they are both running perfectly.  One of the two uses SQL2008, and that is working great to.  I must say I like Plesk 9.2 a whole lot better than HELM 3.16, which is getting quite dated.  All the stuff available to me for $5 a month is just great.  If you are a .NET developer and need a place to throw your stuff, this is it.  The systems are ready to rock ‘n roll.

OK here is a big wtf they are pulling.  The mid level developer package I am using only allow 1 mailbox.  Yeah you read that correctly, one mailbox.  You can alias other email addresses to it, but still only one box.  Very, strange.  Even their reseller packages are pretty restricted on mailboxes.

There is no doubt, if service levels remain the same, I will move all my domains over to using a reseller package for multiple domain support.

5/26/2009: It’s been a few weeks I have been using PlanetSMB and everything is fine.  I setup a DotNetNuke portal pretty painlessly and haven’t had any issues with my .NET 3.5 sites.  I like the fact that I can setup a new database for whatever and not have to worry about running out of allotted databases.  Makes life much easier when your host doesn’t get in your way.

Come this August I will be moving all my domains from to PlanetSMB, as my account lapses in September.  I am planning for a happy future with my new host.

OK John I couldn’t wait, so I tried it out now, this is what I did.  It installed for me, no problem, only took a couple of minutes.

Here are the basic steps I took:

  1. Created a new sub-domain, wp (
  2. Downloaded wordpress and unzipped the files (version 2.7.1 right from home page)
  3. Uploaded my wordpress file to the server
  4. Created a version 4 MySql database
    1. Create a user for the database
  5. Followed the “Famous 5-minute install” instructions located on this page.
    1. Edited the wp-config.php file as instructed in 5-minute install and the file itself.
  6. Once I did that ran, Http://
    1. -That opened to a page, I entered the blog name and my email address, and clicked install.
  7. A few moments later I was greeted with a success page and my admin username and password.

If you like you can look at it here:

These are great, from a software engineering point of view.